WorldWater Round Robin well underway
In January 2021 the WorldWater project launched an invitation for interested parties to express their interest in participating in a Round Robin inter-comparison of Earth Observation (EO) algorithms for surface water detection.
By the registration deadline on 19th of February more than twenty parties, representing researchers, companies and NGOs from all over the world had registered their interest and by May 1st the WorldWater team have received submissions (i.e., monthly maps of surface water presence at 10-meter spatial resolution in 5 different locations for 2 consecutive years) from fifteen participants.
This is an overwhelming interest and response rate, and the organizing committee extends their thanks and appreciation to all participants. Over the next weeks and months, the WorldWater technical team will evaluate all the submissions and take note on strengths and weaknesses in order to build the case for a new set of best practice recommendations for EO based surface water detection.
Follow this space to stay updated on the outcome of the Round Robin.