worldwater Round robin update
Over the years there has been many promising studies on EO-based surface water mapping, but a systematic evaluation of algorithms and models is lacking. Therefore, the WorldWater project has organized a Round Robin inter-comparison of 15 models for monitoring inland surface dynamics with Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 imagery. The objective was to achieve a better understanding of the pros and cons of different sensors and models for surface water detection and monitoring.
The initial Round Robin results indicate that single sensor approaches can produce accurate and consistent water maps under ideal conditions, and yet across a range of challenging environments the synergistic usage of optical and SAR data delivers more accurate and consistent outputs.

“The Round Robin was a great
opportunity to test our algorithm over various regions. The results have
reaffirmed our believe that using SAR and optical imagery together holds many
advantages. We thank ESA and the WorldWater consortium for organizing this challenge
and we are looking forward to continue contributing to this important topic.”
Arjen Haag, researcher
hydrology and water management at SERVIR-Mekong/Deltares
Read the full background and summary of first results here: