DTU – The Danish Technological University has long-standing expertise in satellite remote sensing for inland water hereunder satellite altimetry data processing, applications for inland water monitoring and integration with hydrologic and hydrodynamic models.
GRID-ARENDAL a non-profit foundation based in Norway, complements the technical expertise of other consortium members with extensive communication and stakeholder engagement capacity.
GeoVille, based in Austria, has strong expertise and experience in EO based mapping and monitoring for environmental and natural resources management.
GISAT, SME company based in Czech Republic, provides its clients with rich portfolio of value added, high quality and state-of-the-art geoinformation services based on the Earth Observation technology globally.
DHI GRAS is the leading specialised remote sensing company in Denmark. As the prime DHI GRAS has a strong legacy in the context of EO for water resource management. Being part of DHIGROUP – DHI GRAS has contributed with EO expertise and solutions to Water resource information systems, operational Decision Support Systems, hydrological modelling tools and integrated water resources and river basin management projects worldwide.